Yoga therapy is a type of a therapy which apply the yogic principles to a particular person with the objective of achieving a particular spiritual, psychological or physiological goal. This therapy focuses on the integration of mind and body to enhance mental health. Yoga therapy include several techniques as yoga postures, breathing exercises, guided imagery, meditation, and relaxation exercises.
Yoga therapy can be helpful in the treatment of mental health conditions such as:
The postures and exercises of yoga therapy focus on the mind and body helps to develop both mental and physical awareness. Yoga therapy can also improve physical fitness, increase flexibility, strength and balance. It can also help with physical health conditions such as pain, heart diseases, blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and obesity.
Before starting yoga therapies we conduct initial assessment for health problem identification. After identification of lifestyle and physical capability we create a course of treatment. If you would like to experience yoga therapy, we can guided you as well qualified practitioners.
Bhagya Suwa Arana Ayuruveda enabless true, successful delivery of authentic ayuruveda healthcare with personalized treatment for each individual to prevent diseases & to promote health in a holistic manner through the help of herbal medicines diet & lifstyle management.
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