A gynecological diseases affects the female reproductive organs which associates to various parts like uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, vulva, breast etc.
Irregular periods, painful cramps, heavy bleeding in between periods are signs of gynecological problems. These symptoms may indicate endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst, PCOS, polyps or tumor like conditions in females. These gynecological diseases does not only affect to reproductive functionality but also some conditions directly involve for a subfertility.
We specialized with more experiences from many years in Ayurvedic treatments for Gynecological disorders and Subfertility with effective authentic natural medicines and Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapies.
Common Gynecological problems we treated:
Subfertility can defined as when a couple is unable to have children for a one year period without using birth control methods. This can categorized as Primary Subfertility and Secondary subfertility. Primary Subfertility can defined as a couple has never been able to conceive a child. Secondary Subfertility is defined as the inability to conceive or carry a baby to term after previously birth giving.
Not only females but also males are prone to subfertility in sometimes. Both partners must be evaluated by the doctor when diagnosing for a causes of subfertility. One third of these cases are caused by female issues. Most related causes for female subfertility are ovulation defects due to reproductive hormonal changes, uterine problems, obstruction of fallopian tubes, abnormal cervical mucus, overweight, sexually transmitted diseases, smoking and alcohol.
Female subfertility related diseases:
Most of these diseases are related with ovulation and hormonal imbalances. These conditions can cause painful, irregular menstruation, heavy or light bleeding, Pain during sex, pain during urination and weight gaining like symptoms.
Subfertility can be cured by proper Ayurvedic treatments through identifying the related disease conditions and proper consultation. We are specializes with more experiences from many years in Ayurvedic treatments for Subfertility through effective formulated natural medicines and therapies by performing very successful results.
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This condition can be described as a common oppressive condition among women in today’s society. The uterus in which a woman conceives is made up of several layers of tissue. The innermost layer of tissue is called the endometrium. During menstruation, these tissue and associated blood flow through the vagina.
For some reason, these tissue cells mainly grow in association with the ovaries, fallopian tubes, Douglas cavity, and intestinal tract and attach to those internal parts, causing them to bleed in response to hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, these tissue fragments can sometimes be found in the urinary tract, vagina, and rectum.
There are two main types of this condition.
Also, the formation of Chocolate Cyst can be seen in the accumulation of blood around the ovaries. Implantation theory, Lymphatic theory, Blood borne spread theory and Metaplasia theory explain how the disease spreads throughout the body.
Here are the main symptoms:
Eating fresh vegetables, grains and fruits, drinking plenty of water, and drinking green porridge and soups are best. This condition can be successfully cured through Ayurvedic medical treatments under our consultation.
PCOD or polycystic ovarian disease cause many small cysts in ovaries. This causes the ovary to enlarge and secrete huge amounts of estrogenic and androgen hormones. This happens along with lack of ovulation, which causes for infertility. The other name for PCOD is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Symptoms:
In Ayurveda, it is a disorder of kapha blocking of artava vaha srotus (channels) and causing interrupted movement of apana-vata. Due to this, vata imbalance takes place in the pelvic area leading to various symptoms.
Causes of PCOD/PCOS:
The main reason for this condition in many females is their lifestyle and unhealthy food habits. Slow digestive fire caused by sedentary lifestyle, junk food, lot of dairy consumption leads to weight gain and slow metabolism. Excessive mental stress along with lack of any kind of physical exercise and too much consumption of hormonal and contraceptive pills are the other main causes.
Consumption of light and easy digested food, elimination of heavy and fatty foods, doing different exercises, avoid drinking, smoking and any usage of contraceptives can control this condition. Various Ayurvedic formulated medicines are used for PCOS condition and successful results can take within a short period of time with good diet and lifestyle management.
Fibroids are muscular growth that grow in the wall of the uterus. These are almost always benign (non-cancerous). Not all women with fibroids have symptoms. Some have pain and heavy menstrual bleeding causing discomfort. Other symptoms may include heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, increased menstrual cramps, increased urination, painful intercourse, swollen abdomen etc.
According to ayurveda, fibroids are growths in mamsa dhatu of the uterus and mamsarbuda growth from muscles and connective tissue.
Bhagya Suwa Arna Ayurveda provides natural Ayurveda treatments for all types of Fibroids through our well experienced knowledge of practice.
Gynecological disorders and Subfertility can manage within a short period of time with Ayurvedic treatments by identification of the disease condition through proper consultation. Bhagya Suwa Arana Ayurveda has very successful performances in those gynecological conditions management.
Bhagya Suwa Arana Ayuruveda enabless true, successful delivery of authentic ayuruveda healthcare with personalized treatment for each individual to prevent diseases & to promote health in a holistic manner through the help of herbal medicines diet & lifstyle management.
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