bhagya suwa arana



All Treatments

Gynecological Disorders & Subfertility
Male Infertility & Importence
Skin Diseases
Arthritis & Orthopedic Disoders
Neurological Diseases
Pediatric Diseases
Obesity & Weight loss
Liver & Gastrointestinal Diseases
Non-Communicable Diseases
Urinary Disorders
Anorectal Diseases
Infectious Diseases(Covid-19)
Sinusitis, Migraine & Pinasa
ENT & Eye Diseases
Hernia & BPH
Varicose Veins, Wound Care, Corns & Calluses
Animal Bites & Poisoning
Rejuvenation Therapy & Weight gain
Panchakarma Treatments
Beauty Culture Treatments
Cartilage Regeneration
Acupuncture Treatments
Cupping Therapy
Psychological Treatments
Yoga Therapy
Dietary & Lifstyle Management




Infectious or communicable diseases can be defined as an illness caused by another living agent or its products that can spread from one person to another. Communicable diseases are transmit by touch, Inhalation, sharing fomites, polluted water, air and soil. Poor nutrition, low vaccination rates, age (young and elderly), and immunosuppression, overcrowding, poor regional design and poor hygiene due to poverty, polluted drinking water, rapid climate changes, and natural disasters, can lead to conditions that allow easier transmission of disease.

Ayurveda though an ancient medical science has clearly described such communicable diseases and their cause, mode of transmission, prevention as well as cure under the Janapadodhwansa (mass destruction). Also Aupsargika rogas (communicable diseases) mentioned like kushtha (Skin diseases), jwara (Fever) etc.  Ayurveda along with the symptoms seen normally which follow cough, dyspnea, vomiting, rhinorrhea, headache, fever etc.

2019-nCoV, Avian Flu, CRE, Ebola, Enterovirus D68, Flu, Hantavirus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, Measles, MPX, MRSA, Pertussis, Rabies, Sexual transmitted Diseases, Shigellosis, Tuberculosis, Zika and West Nile Virus are recent examples. 

The Prevention of diseases and next is the cure of manifested diseases for which avoidance of the causative factors is the first line of management for Communicable diseases. The physical and mental health is secured through the help of internal herbal medicines with detoxification and immunity increasing effects, external Ayurveda therapies and Rasayana (rejuvenation) treatments with the good maintenances of Dincharaya (daily practice) , Rutucharya (seasonal practice) and Sadvritta (good regimen). Ayurveda has been highly proven as a trusted measure in fighting against Communicable disease


Bhagya Suwa Arana Ayurveda has been successfully treated to many patients by using our specially prepared herbal formulated drugs in fighting of covid-19 and building up the immune system with fast recovering.

About Us

Bhagya Suwa Arana Ayuruveda enabless true, successful delivery of authentic ayuruveda healthcare with personalized treatment for each individual to prevent diseases & to promote health in a holistic manner through the help of herbal medicines diet & lifstyle management.

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