bhagya suwa arana



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A hernia occurs when an internal part of the body pushes through a weakness in the muscle or surrounding tissue wall.  This mainly happens with the abdominal organs and can lead to pain and swelling in the region. This can develop in any region of the body for both men and women.

In Ayurveda this is named as “Antra Vriddhi”. Improper food intake, heavy weight lifting and suppression of urges like feces and urine leads to increasing of vata dosha. That increased vata weakens the intestine and pulls it down that causing inguinal hernia.

Common causes of Hernia:

  • Persistent cough
  • Straining abdominal muscles due to lifting heavy objects
  • Excess pressure while passing feces
  • Obesity

Hernia may grow in size causing more pain and discomfort with swelling in the surrounding area. The life threatening problem of strangulation may occur due to lack of proper blood flow when the intestine trapped.

Ayurveda treatment for hernia involves to reducing pain and swelling, strengthen the intestinal muscles and promote healthy digestion with internal herbal medicines, external medicinal treatments like oil and herbal paste applications and panchakarma therapies like snehana, virechana and niruha vasti. 

Prevention from Hernia:

  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Avoid heavy lifting
  • Do not smoking – can cause cough and leads to pressure on abdomen
  • Use of fiber rich foods, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds
  • Drink enough water
  • Avoid include jumping exercises

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)


Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a condition in men which the prostate gland enlarged and not cancerous. This also called as benign prostatic hypertrophy and benign prostatic obstruction. When consider its’ position it guards the outlet of the urinary bladder. When this becomes enlarge, it obstructs the urinary passage and leading to a back pressure effect on the bladder. An enlarged prostate gland affects nearly 20% of men at the age of 40 years, 70% at age 60 and 90% by the age of 80 years old. It has been suggested that prostate enlargement (BPH) is a normal process of aging.

The anatomical position of prostate gland describes in Ayureda as below umbilicus (naabhi), there is a hard gland which is little bit bulged and changes its place some times and sometimes stays stationary. This gland is like “ashteela” (a small stone used to sharpen swords). This gland, when affected by vitiated vata, causes a disease called “Vathaashteela”. This condition is comparable to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.

Common symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia:

  • Urination frequency – urination eight or more times a day
  • Urinary urgency – inability to delay urination
  • A weak or an interrupted urine stream
  • Trouble straining a urine stream
  • Nocturia
  • Urinary retention
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Pain after ejaculation or during urination
  • Urine with unusual colour or smell

The complication of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include with chronic urinary retention, blood in the urine, urinary tract infections, bladder stones, bladder damage and kidney damage.

Depending upon the symptoms and enlargement of the prostate gland, treatment procedures and formulations are used for the pacification of apana vatha.

Ayurveda herbal formulations are used internally which have properties of vata kapha dosha shamaka, lekhana (scraping) and shothahara (anti-inflammatory) effects. Snehana and Vasthi treatment procedures are useful in pacifying vata dosha.

Prevention from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia:

  • Avoid delaying urine
  • Avoid from alcohol and tobacco
  • Eat healthy diet
  • Avoid use of certain over the counter medications
  • Remain sexually active
  • Practice healthy lifestyle
bhagya suwa arana ayurvedic

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Bhagya Suwa Arana Ayuruveda enabless true, successful delivery of authentic ayuruveda healthcare with personalized treatment for each individual to prevent diseases & to promote health in a holistic manner through the help of herbal medicines diet & lifstyle management.

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